The First Emperor & the Terracotta Warriors, World Museum Liverpool
On-site condition assessments of ceramic items in China and then their installation at World Museum Liverpool
I was engaged as the specialist freelance ceramic conservator by the National Museums Liverpool to condition check c80 ceramic objects at on-site stores in Xi’an, China, in preparation for transport to Liverpool for display. This included 8 Terracotta Warriors, a kneeling figure, a horseman and full-size terracotta horse. All items were re-condition checked on their arrival and then installed at World Museum Liverpool to form the First Emperor and Terracotta Warriors Exhibition (9 February – 28 October 2018). During un-packing, old repairs on a Han Dynasty bull had weakened and I undertook interventive conservation at the request of the Project Manager of the Shaanxi History Museum, to enable display. I returned to China in November 2018 to re-condition check all the ceramic and stone items on their return from World Museum Liverpool.