Date completed : 1 December 2017 Duration : 18 Weeks
Rowena Doughty

Description: All 8,000 plans were cleaned and surveyed prior to this project. 312 plans were identified as unfit for production. A majority of the plans are made of thick woven paper with black ink with some pigment present. The damage can be categorized into two types, chemical and mechanical at a ratio of 90:10.

Treatment: Plans with chemical and mechnical damage (including pigments) were repaired on the suction table using damp blotters impregnated with water and then calcium bicarbonate in order to reduce the risk of the pigments fading and further mechanical damage. The plans with no coloured pigment were supported with a sheet of tissue during immersion washing, in water followed by calcium bicarbonate. Both treatments reduced the risk to the pigment and the fragile paper.

All of the plans were repaired using Woven Western paper Griffin Mill 80gsm or 115gsm as it best matched the original paper. Spider tissue was selected to support the back of the plans, with some requiring a stronger support of RK09 and an RK00 support on the face. Gelatine 3% was selected as the adhesive as it also consolidated the paper.

Disgrifiad: Arolygwyd a glanhawyd dros 8,000 o gynlluniau cyn y prosiect hwn. Yn ystod yr arolwg nodwyd bod 312 o gynlluniau yn anaddas i’w cynhyrchu. Mae mwyafrif o’r cynlluniau ar bapur trwchus gydag inc du a rhywfaint o bigment lliw. Gellir categoreiddio’r difrod yn ddau fath, cemegol a mecanyddol, 90:10.

Triniaeth: Dewiswyd dau fath o driniaeth. Atgyweirwyd y cynlluniau â difrod mecanyddol a chemegol (gyda phigmentau) ar y bwrdd sugno gan ddefnyddio papur-sugno wedi eu gwlychu gyda dŵr ac yna chalsiwm bicarbonad. Atgyweirwyd y cynlluniau gyda niwed cemegol heb bigmentau drwy eu golchi o ddŵr ac yna chalsiwm bicarbonad. Roedd y ddau driniaeth yn lleihau’r risg i’r pigmentau a’r papur bregus.

Atgyweiriwyd yr holl gynlluniau gyda phapur wedi ei wehyddu Griffin Mill 80gsm / 115gsm gan ei fod yn debyg. Defnyddwyd y papur pry cop neu RK09 ar y cefn ac RK00 ar yr wyneb. Dewiswyd gelatin 3% fel y glud gan ei bod hefyd yn cryfhau’r papur.

NAI Plans - Cynlluniau NAI
NAI Plans - Cynlluniau NAI
Before Conservation - Cyn Cadwraeth
P.H Testing - Profi P.H
Before Conservation - Cyn Cadwraeth
During Treatment - Yn ystod triniaeth
During treatment - Yn ystod triniaeth
After Conservation - Ar ôl Cadwraeth
After Conservation - Ar ôl Cadwraeth
NAI Plans - Cynlluniau NAI

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