Leicester Museum and Art Gallery, Five Casta Paintings, c. 1715, attrib. to Juan Rodriguez Juarez, (Mexico 1675 – 1728)
Conservation of five early 18th century Mexican Casta paintings belonging to Leicester Museum and Art Gallery.
Date completed : 29 August 2023 Duration : 52 Weeks
The paintings date from c. 1715 and are attributed to Juan Rodriguez Juarez (Mexico 1675 – 1728). The conservation treatments included varnish removal, removal of discoloured retouchings and overpaint, consolidation of paint layers, structural treatment to the canvasses including strip lining, tear mending. Structural treatment was also carried out to the stretchers. The paintings were varnished, losses filled and retouched, and reframed to conservation standards.
The paintings were included in the exhibition ‘Casta, The Origin of Caste’ at Leicester Museum and Art Gallery.