Date completed : 1 October 2023 Duration : 1 Week
Rachel Witt


The paint layer was lifting dramatically, especially down the left hand side where there was some paint missing. Further losses were scattered across the artwork. 

There was a layer of dirt across the painting. The patchy pale yellow appearance suggested there could have been an uneven coating on the surface. It is also possible however, that the artist applied a tinted scumble to tone down the bright colours. 

Cleaning tests showed that the surface coating could be dissolved but, as it had sunk into and become absorbed with the paint, it would not be possible to remove the varnish with taking of paint. The decision was therefore made to remove the surface dirt only. 

Conservation treatment. 

The unstable paint was consolidated and the dirt was removed. 

Losses were filled, textured and retouched to reintegrate as far as possible. 

New hanging brackets and brass wire were fixed to the back. 

Before treatment.
Abstract Shapes
Abstract Shapes
Lifting paint in normal light.
Lifting paint consolidated, filled, textured and retouched.
Paint loss before treatment.
Area after consolidating and filling.
Abstract Shapes
Abstract Shapes
Abstract Shapes

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